The Power of Pilgrimage

by Vina Ketty

Recently, a handful of us took a trip to visit sacred sites of Taos, NM and Crestone, CO. It was such a special trip; filled with moments of magical silence & inspired meditation, awe at life’s mysteries and miracles, wonder at the natural beauty all around us, introspective realization of shifting perspectives…and lots of pure fun & joy!

It was an affirmation of the power of pilgrimage- walking paths where thousands of sincere seekers have prayed, meditated, chanted, danced, expressed gratitude and paid homage in millions of uniquely personal ways, from the altars deep within their hearts. The devotional and healing energy is tangible in such places. Spending time in simplicity and stillness is where the soul loves to be, where the simple gifts of simply being are vibrant and alive: feeling the sun’s warmth on my face, the satisfaction of mindfully preparing a vegetable soup, the sweet connection with fellow yogis, the enthusiasm of rising before the sun for meditation, experiencing the joy bubbling from within!

While it is profoundly helpful to journey to sacred places of high vibration to connect with what we hold most dear, this trip was a powerful reminder that the true pilgrimage is constant and inward. The same inner dramas are present whether I’m in a long line at King Soopers or high in the Himalayas…maybe just at different frequencies and levels of awareness☺ We are blessed with opportunities to travel to our inner sanctums with every meditation, every warm smile, every act of service, every breath.

This trip was rejuvenating and helped breathe new life into my spiritual practices and general outlook, as well as re-inspire and energize my connection with the Polestar Village mission. It feels incredibly important that we all take time off from our regular schedules to connect to that which guides us, our unique and personal Polestars. Upon return, we can better create space to support this connection for ourselves and our brothers and sisters in everyday life. Our vision of community, inspired by Yogananda’s idea for “World Communities,” will provide exactly this and more!

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